I understand that you are busy. While most people understand that Wills are important they also have other, equally important life admin that they are going to get to “one day”. Let me help you to work through this one task.
Estate Planning
You know that you need to do your Will, in fact you have known that for awhile. Let’s get started. We will do it together, we will have multiple appointments to check in along the way. You won’t simply be given homework and be expected to figure it out for yourself.
Estate Administration
Death and loss are hard, but if you are the Executor you are then faced with an entirely new challenge. I have been helping Executors and Administrators for 20+ years, I know this is hard for all sorts of non legal reasons and I would love to help you with this particular hurdle.
Not ready yet?
If you aren’t ready to get started on your Estate Plan yet that is fine, I get it. You could join the email list where you will get weekly prompts to do more bite sized, but also important life admin tasks.
Find out more
If you want to find out more you could head to the menu and check out the process for Estate Planning, or the prices, or you could head over to the blog posts (go to News in the menu) and get some more information.
If you are ready to get started then you could click on “Book Now” to book an initial consultation, or a 15 minute telephone call with me.