Here are some examples of the No Respect, No Relationship program in the media, or news articles where Janis Donnelly-Coode is mentioned.

Starting a conversation

This is an article in the Western Weekender specifically about Janis Donnelly-Coode and her No Respect No Relationship talks. You can read the article by clicking here, or on the image to the left.

Law Society Journal

In this article in the Law Society Journal about the problems with the Family Law system, you can read Janis’s input under the heading ‘A broader issue for society’ (scroll to the bottom). It includes some comments about the problems with the current system, and also mentions her local talks. You can read it by clicking on the image, or here.

Lawyers Weekly

This is an article about a ban on cross-examination in Family Court matters and the mixed responses from the industry where Janis’s views on the matter are cited. You can read the article by clicking on the image, or here.

School News Australia

This is another report about the No Respect No Relationship program, and how law firms are ‘joining forces’ with schools to tackle the program. You can read the article by clicking on the image, or here.

The Educator Online

Pioneered by Janis Donnelly-Coode, the campaign aims to raise awareness about addressing domestic violence at its very core: that is, recognising disrespectful behaviour from the start and learning that it is not okay. You can read the article by clicking on the image, or here.

Lawyers Weekly

This is an article about dangerous Facebook groups and how to deal with them. You can read the article by clicking on the image, or here.

Hatch @ Macleay Colleage

This is an article about the number of deaths that had occurred that month as a result of domestic violence where Janis is cited calling for better funding the Courts. You can read the article by clicking on the image, or here.

Lawyers Weekly

“We don’t need another inquest or inquiry. We don’t need more window dressing about taking domestic violence seriously. We need change, we need funding, and we need all levels of government to stop paying lip-service to domestic violence and start seeing it as a large-scale public health problem, not a private family matter,” said Novus Law Group Australia solicitor Janis Donnelly-Coode. You can read the article by clicking on the image, or here.