Are you recording your Facebook likes?

Do you know you can record your Facebook likes using free automation inside Facebook and Gmail? You can look at your current business page likes but Facebook sets it up so that you cannot download that list. You can start recording new likes moving forward though.

Turn on Facebook email notifications

The first step is turning back on your Facebook email notifications. I can hear you already, why Janis why? Don’t worry we will set up a filter so they don’t clog up your inbox. You need to go back to your business page and turn back on those notifications. I have included instructions in the images below because I couldn’t easily find instructions that relate to the new layout for Facebook.

Create an email filter

You will need to create a filter in your Gmail account, you can read how to do that here.

These are the filters that I set, if you want to use mine -

Create filter.PNG

This will also keep this email notifications out of your inbox, saving you some time when you open your emails in the morning.

Set up a Zap

If you don’t have a Zapier account then you should absolutely go and get a free Zapier account. You can do that here.

You need to set up a Zap so that your Gmail account talks to your Google Sheets (yes I know, they should have an automation inside Gmail for that but as yet I haven’t found it.)

Zaps then require a number of different stages that are specific to the data that you are entering. If you want to send me an email Zapier has a ‘share zap’ feature and I am happy to share my Zap with you. You will get a spreadsheet like this. Sure it looks ugly but your data is there. Then you will run a Split Text in Google Sheets to separate out the information.

By spreading out the automated data that you get in the email from Facebook using the split text/space option you will now have two columns that just have the first and last names of your new Facebook likes. The spreadsheet might have a lot of other data that you don’t want, repetitive data like ‘Hi Janis’ but the beauty of spreadsheets is you can easily pull out the column that you want.


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