Women of Penrith - Natalie Wells

Natalie Wells - lawyer micro analyse.png

What is your job?

My current job is a policy officer with the department of education. I sit in the early childhood directorate, which is the designated regulatory authority for early childcare in NSW.

How did you get it?

I got my job through studying law, as you need to have skills in statutory interpretation and legal communication. Much of my role involves talking to childcare workers about day to day issues, communicating with them about their obligations, and also communicating the needs of front line staff to government and non government bodies who may be able to assist them in meeting their obligations.

Why do you love it?

I enjoy this job because I feel like I make a difference to stakeholders in early childhood education. I get to advocate, write, and think about day to day issues. The Department has a great employee culture, and provides staff with a great degree of flexibility in how they work. It makes such a difference when you have a young family.

What is your connection to Penrith?

I moved to Penrith from country NSW in 2001. We love raising our family here because there is a good community atmosphere. I love that we can jump on a train and spend a day in the City or the Mountains. Penrith has everything we need.