Linear Park, Mulgoa Rise

This park is a new(ish) park in Mulgoa Rise, which is a new part of Glenmore Park. It is located at 169 Bradley Street in Glenmore Park.

This park is clearly aimed at older kids, with some legitimate climbing and a very long slide, and when I attended with my Miss 5 there were two groups of adults with differing abilities enjoying the space. While your teenager may not think it is cool or challenging enough, they won’t have any issue with the space being physically too small for them. This park also has the holy trinity of toilets, covered picnic tables and sun shade over the play equipment. For some reason many of the seats for parents to sit on don’t have shade, and there is a ton of space but only two covered picnic tables, however if you can get there in time to snag a table this is a great play space.

This play space includes the following features -

  • Covered picnic tables

  • Path (for a walk or little bikes)

  • Rock climbing (or really, just climbing)

  • Seats for adults

  • Shade cloth

  • Slide

  • Swings

  • Toilets (with soap!)

Obviously this park is also a free space.