Shade cloth

Myrtle Road Reserve, Claremont Meadows

Myrtle Road Reserve, Claremont Meadows

The park at Myrtle Road Reserve in Claremont Meadows is an older style park but serviceable, it has shade cloth and plenty of seating for adults, plenty of parking and an exercise area.

Robinson Park, Jamisontown

We visited this park in Jamisontown that has recently had a shade cloth added. It has a set of play equipment for your older kids, a set for the little tykes, an undercover picnic bench, and it is set on a big block with plenty of space for children to go off ‘exploring’ together (as my Miss 5 and Miss 7 like to do).

Robinson Park has a great play area for littler siblings, including a xylophone, and a little rubber section that they can walk under/through that my kids enjoyed. The area for bigger kids has a few different climbing options, and my two loved the platform because it meant that their feet were up higher than my head, they felt very top of the world. They also love a double slide.

The picnic table and a council bin make it easy for parents to have a rest, but there are also a few picnic benches and blocks of sandstone scattered around for resting on. There are swings and balancing beams next to the picnic bench.

This park includes -

  • Balancing beam

  • Cargo net

  • Covered picnic table

  • Free

  • Monkey bars

  • Pretend cafe

  • Seats for adults

  • Shade Cloth

  • Slides (including double slide)

  • Swings


Amaroo Street Reserve, Kingswood

I visited the park on Amaroo Street in Kingswood on Saturday morning. It is a nice little park but, despite the fact it hadn’t rained in some time, my feet (and shoes) were wet by the time I got to the park. If you are going to visit this park I would recommend gum boots.

The park has the following features -

  • Slide

  • Monkey bars

  • Cargo net (made of chains)

  • See saw

  • Fireman’s pole

  • Pretend cafe

  • Seats for adults

  • Sunshade cloth

  • Swings

There is more parking on the Joseph Street side of this reserve than the Amaroo Street side.


Where is it?

It is located at the end of Amaroo Street, Kingswood, Google tells me it is at 36-38 Amaroo Street, Kingswood.


Steamroller Park, Cambridge Park

I love this park, I used to play here as a kid, I just wish people would stop vandalising things so that they could unfence the steamroller (or perhaps that is an insurance issue).

This park is great for older primary school aged children. My children struggle with this park, they cannot for instance climb onto the swings (they are too high) and even if they climb the ladder or the cargo net, they cannot step from it to the platform without help as their legs are too short. So a smaller child will need help. If you have older children I am sure this park will be popular because of the flying fox. This flying fox doesn’t have a seat, just the little disc you balance on.

So the park has the following -

  • Slide

  • Shade cloth

  • Swings

  • Cargo net

  • Pretend cafe

  • Flying fox

  • Path (for a walk)

  • Covered picnic table

  • Seats for adults

I actually came to this park because I needed a short walk, due to a back injury, and I knew there was a paved path. It doesn’t wrap around the block, it ends in odd places, so you cannot do laps per se, but if you have a young child who likes to go for a walk, or draw on the sidewalk with chalk, or an old injured Mum who needs a short walk, then the path is good.

This park is on a large block so there is plenty of parking around it, it is on the corner of Victoria Street and Richmond Road in Cambridge Park.


Where is it?

It is on the corner of Victoria Street and Richmond Road in Cambridge Park, which Google tells me is 195 Victoria Street, Cambridge Park in New South Wales.


Allsopp Paterson Oval Park, Cambridge Park

Today we visited the park at Allsopp Paterson Oval, which you access off of College Street in Cambridge Park. This is an oldie but a goodie, plenty of options for different children at different stages, sunshade and plenty of space to run around. It appears that council has just put a new footpath around it too, so I have indicated to hubby that we will be returning with the kids bikes.

There is a slide, monkey bars, swings, a small rock climbing wall, pretend cafe, cargo net (made of chains), and rubber soft fall. There are actually a few different types of monkey bars here, and a funny orange circular thing (shown in the picture) that the kids hang onto and it then spins. If you have a bit of a true ninja child then this might be a good park for you.

The bins are often full and overflowing, and there are often magpies picking at the bins. I haven’t had one swoop the kids (yet) but if you or your kids are anxious about magpies, then this is not the park for you.

There is also a great coffee place within walking distance, called Full Dose at the Cambridge Park shops. They close at 1pm or 2pm though, depending on the day, so get in early.

There is allegedly a set of public toilets near here, but I haven’t checked them out myself, I think they are part of the hall on this same block.


Wainwright Park, Kingswood

I feel funny even writing about this park, because it is so big and central to the suburb of Kingswood, but I will highlight it because I only discovered it when I started systematically checking out parks during COVID. I have driven past it so many times as a local Penrith girl, but I hadn’t really looked at it. It is on the corner of Bringelly Road and Orth Street in Kingswood.

There is a wide variety of options at this park, and there is sunshade, and there are places for parents to sit. Mostly I don’t get to sit down though cause the kids are moving around to all the options. There is a public book library and a ‘tin bin’ or food library, a leave what you can, take what you need sort of situation.

The playground equipment includes slides, monkey bars, swings, and there is ample sunshade. There is a good ranger of options for different ages, though perhaps nothing for teenagers. There isn’t a rope climbing structure but there are quite a few climbing points on this set of equipment. There is a pretend cafe under one platform, and an abacus under another, so there are a few things for the smaller children. It is surrounded by grass and even currently a community garden of sorts. There are not a lot of places for adults to sit. Parking can be a bit tough, the side street tends to be full, I generally have to park on Bringelly Road.

I also love all of the animals on the fence around the park. I just had to take photos of them too.

Bel-Air Road Reserve, Penrith

This park is simple, but it has everything you want for younger kids. It has slides, monkey bars, a spider web type rope climb, swings, a pretend car, and there are stairs to get up onto the platform. The seat for adults is a long way away from the park, but that is fine because it is set quite a way back from the road, and there is almost never another family there.

These photos are from a few years ago, this park now has sun shade.